回顾2018届阿尔伯塔大学金融财务管理硕士MFM毕业活动【深圳MBA资讯网】University of Alberta
6小时前,深圳市**投资发展有限公司 总经理 加入企业投资总裁班,6小时前,东莞**科技控股有限公司  执行董事 加入资本运营作总裁班,6小时前,深圳市*科技有限公司 总经理 加入高级工商管理(EMBA)总裁班,3小时前,惠州***实业有限公司 总经理 加入工商管理(EMBA)总裁班,3小时前,惠州**科技有限公司 董事长 加入工商管理(MBA)总裁班,1小时前,深圳***金融集团有限公司 董事长 加入PE私募股权投资总裁班
发布时间:2018-11-25 16:04:26



西安交通大学—加拿大阿尔伯塔大学金融财务管理硕士第5、6期(MFM5/MFM6)毕业生 阿尔伯塔大学金融财务管理硕士(MFM)研究生-招生简章 陆续在6月12日抵达加拿大阿尔伯塔省埃德蒙顿,即将开启无比期待的毕业之行。


六月是酷暑难耐的盛夏,而在加拿大的埃德蒙顿,却是天气怡人凉爽。6月13日早上,在阿尔伯塔大学商学院MFM项目总监Karen Tang和本校志愿者的带领下,MFM5和MFM6的同学们一起参观了美丽的阿尔伯塔大学。



参观完商学院,同学们来到HUB办理One Card。有了One Card, 大家就可以在校园内自由出入,也可以存钱在校内消费,非常便利。


下午,大家乘坐校园大巴到商学院副院长Michael Maier家中参加晚宴。


副院长Michael Maier的太太从一大早开始为晚宴张罗准备,有新鲜的三文鱼,精致的小蛋糕,还有各种美酒佳肴。

我们被副院长Michael Maier一家的热情好客,大豪宅,及如此的礼遇深深感动。晚宴上也见到副院长Edy Wong,系主任Vikas Mehrotra, 以及教授们Andras Marosi, Felipe Aguerrevere, Rolf Mirus, Keith Godfrey, Lukas Roth,还有商学院MFM项目总监Karen Tang, 商学院的老师Xiao Cheng,大家一起共享美食,愉快交流。


第三天早上,同学们终于参加了期待已久的毕业典礼。在授礼仪式上,毕业生走上舞台后,分别与校领导握手,走到副院长Michael Maier面前,副院长会给每位毕业生一个大拥抱。同学们和现场亲朋好友都激动得热泪盈眶,共同见证这荣耀而收获的时刻。

MFM林莹琬 授礼




又是一年毕业季,让我们放下不舍,一起比出最美的我们MFM, We're the best!






人生需要仪式感,一个阶段的学习暂时结束,再次毕业,继续走进更大的世界。“So be brave, to be an independent thinker...We are who make the history and the future...”





感谢学校和智慧风趣的教授们,感谢团结友爱的同学们,感谢亲友团的帮助和支持。今天,we are graduate of 2018。



Thanks to my parents, my family, my faculty, my mfm5ers and all my friends. I did it!


Go out, save the world, change the world.

Congratulations! Good luck!

Day5678: Alberta, Happy every day!


研究生毕业啦~所有努力都是值得的。Keep seeking and learning!




—原副院长Joan White退休,新副院长Mike Maier上任

8月22日晚18时,阿尔伯塔大学金融财务硕士项目师生联谊晚宴在深圳南海大道东花园2307号东华假日酒店3楼夏阳厅隆重举行。阿尔伯塔大学商学院原副院长Joan White, 新院长Mike Maier,西安交通大学王建玲教授,深圳清华院金融财务硕士MFM项目总监曾灿老师,深圳清华院金融财务硕士项目组以及阿尔伯塔大学金融财务硕士项目MFM1、MFM2、MFM3、MFM4期学生共同参加了此次晚宴。

晚宴由担任MFM2与MFM3班主任胡志英老师主持,她简单介绍了阿尔伯塔金融财务硕士的发展历程。2012年西安交通大学&加拿大阿尔伯塔大学金融财务硕士项目获得教育部办学批准。2013年9月MFM1期正式开学。2014年9月MFM2期开学。2014年10月MFM1期前往加拿大阿尔伯塔大学毕业典礼。2015年4月MFM3开学。2015年6月MFM1毕业。2015年10月MFM4即将开学。在这个发展过程中,有一位伟大的女性,敬爱的阿尔伯塔大学商学院原副院长Joan White对这个项目倾注了极大的心血,操心着MFM项目招生、课程设置、师资安排等教学教务的每个细节。在Joan White即将退休之际,她特别从加拿大飞过来看


首先阿尔伯塔大学商学院原副院长JoanWhite致辞。Joan White用中文“你好”开场,非常亲切。她感谢大家出席晚宴,并在此正式地和大家说一声再见。她在8月底退休,虽然这对她来说是一个非常难的决定,但也是一个正确的决定。她相信非常优秀的新副院长Mike Maier会把同学们照顾得很好。她看着台下同学们熟悉的面孔感到非常的不舍。深圳MFM项目对她来说非常的重要和特别,深圳MFM项目是她职业生涯的亮点。从深圳MFM项目开始招生,到MFM1、2、3期开学,到MFM1毕业,有这么多优秀的学生和毕业生,开学时和大家说“Hello”,现在和大家说“Goodbye”,她百感交集,因为她会非常非常想念每一个人。她表示认可和感谢西安交通大学和深圳清华究院的精彩合作与帮助,让深圳MFM项目可以按照学校要求顺利发展。深圳MFM项目是加拿大阿尔伯塔大学第一个海外国际项目,这对阿尔伯塔大学意义重大。她退休以后,她的丈夫帮她安排了旅游计划,但是接下来的会是怎样的惊喜,她也不知道。她有5个孩子,7个孙子,她相信她退休以后也会幸福地忙碌着。最后,她再次对西安交通大学和深圳清华大学研究院表示感谢,并对同学们





附Joan White致辞

你好,I really need tospend some of my retirement learning some more Chinese. Anyway, thank you verymuch for joining us for dinner tonight. For me, it is a very special night. Itis so wonderful to see all of you here. So it is my opportunity to say goodbyeto all of you, as I will be retiring at the end of this month. It is, it hasbeen such a difficult decision, but it is the right decision for me to make atthis time. And I know that Michael Maier who is taking over as associate deanof you will do an amazing job as associate dean, so you will be well well takencare of. As I look at all your faces, all the memories, I realize how very veryimportant and special the Master of Financial Management in Shenzhen has beenfor me. It is truly the highlight of my career. So special that we are able tostart this program here and meet so many wonderful wonderful students and haveso many tremendous graduates. So it is very mixed emotion that I say hello andsay goodbye because I will truly miss each and every one of you. I want torecognize the wonderful partnership that we have with Xi’an Jiaotong Universityand Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen. Without thepartnership, this program would not have come to be. And I want to especiallythank Cici, and Monica, and Rachel, and Cherry, and all the individual I didnot include but thank you from Tsinghua, because they have taken so very goodcare of all of you and help to be our link to you because so many miles away.And it is having that personal touch that makes the difference and helps us todeliver the program that we want to deliver. I want to just say that Master ofFinancial Management program, the MFM program, is truly a very very importantprogram for the University of Alberta. Many of you, perhaps don’t realize thatthis is the first international program of the University of Alberta. So andyes, an exceptional to have this program. And I am going to acknowledge it issomething about challenges, we have learnt form you as much as you have learntform us. So thank you. And I want to say how very fortunate that I have been tohave the opportunity to travel so much to Shenzhen. It is a beautiful city. AndI am going to miss my visits here. You should be very very proud of living insuch a wonderful place. This is my last official function as associate dean. Alot of you have asked me what I am going to be doing in retirement. I haven’t aclue. To be honest, my husband has made many plans for us to travel to keep mebusy for the next couple of weeks or couple of months. But after that, I don’tknow. It will be a surprise, but it will be a good surprise. I have 7grandchildren and 5 children, so I think I am going to be busy. In closing,before I hand over the mike to Mike, I would like to extend my thanks to Xi’anJiaotong University and Tsinghua for everything they have done. And I wouldlike to thank all of you-our students, our graduates, it has been wonderfulmeeting you. It’s been so special to get to know you. And I really really enjoyworking with you. I am going to miss each and very one of you. And to all ofyou, I will you very successful careers, and long and happy happy life.


附Michael Maier致辞

Most of you spent enough timelisten to me talk today. So I will do this relatively short. Joan is anincredible lady. I have known her for 7 years since I have been in theUniversity of Alberta. She has been a wonderful mentor. Whenever I makemistakes, I can always go there and listen. She has incredible advice andalways willing to listen. So I am truly going to miss her at the University ofAlberta. I just want to say thank you the warm welcome I have received here. Itis really wonderful. I really enjoy coming to Shenzhen China. People are sonice, friendly. And there is so much energy here. It is wonderful to see peoplework hard and love knowledge like you. And again Joan said we learn from you asmuch as you learn from us. So thank you. Thank you for our partner universitiesagain. It is very important relationship for us. I am looking forward tobuilding on that relationship as the associate dean. So we continue that in thefuture. Enjoy your meal, I know it has been a long day for most of you and youhave to listen to me again tomorrow. Thank you.


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